Professional Painting Service was started in 1999, by Greg Williams. Greg began painting during the summer while in high school in 1978. In 1981 he married and started his family at which time he began working in the Pest Control Industry with his uncle. While working with his uncle, he would frequently continue to paint on the side during holidays and on weekends and whenever else he found time. It was a good source of extra income and he enjoyed every minute of earning it.
In 1996 he had worked his way up to operations manager for a pest control company managing around 10 employees and handling 100% of the sales. However, he decided he had gone as far as he could with the company and wanted to try something else.
It was then that Greg would take a job as a Loan Broker for a mortgage company, and would also try his hand as an electrician on the side which eventually grew into a full-time job. After deciding this line of work wasn’t for him, Greg decided to form his own business doing something he had spent years working on in the past; painting. Despite his determination for success, he was limited to only having 1 brush, 1 roller, 1 drop cloth, and a 1974 Chevrolet pickup. Nevertheless, Greg would find his way home doing something he loved.
His first job was for an architect, who was a homeowner. So, the first job proved to be a challenge. However, the first day on the job, he felt at home. He enjoyed his first job, and still enjoys it just as much today.
He would form his company around the simple idea of superior service with the best price. He formed the motto “Quality Work at a Reasonable Price”, and it has stuck ever since. While most people’s impression of a painter vary, Greg decided it would be most crucial to operate like any other successful, professional business. He would carry insurance, have all of the required and up-to-date tools, pay employees a good salary, and always pay taxes when due. In doing so, only one name for the company came to mind: Professional Painting Service.
Today, Greg does all the intial sales visits and is on the job every day. His two sons, Paul and Nick Williams, also help run and operate the business. They both started painting at a very early age and have been working in the business for over 15 years.
Professional Painting Service services a radius of over 50 miles from Senatobia, doing anything from custom new work to repaints for homes, apartments, businesses, and anything else one may require. Professional Painting Service uses only the best possible products available for each job, depending upon the individual need. Payment isn’t due until the job is entirely complete and is 100% satisfactory as determined by the customer.